150 Feet of 1/2" Polyethylene PE Pipe Rated at 160 PSI


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150 Foot of 1/2" Polyethylene PE Pipe Rated for 160 PSI

Polyethylene pipe, also known as PE pipe and poly pipe, is a type of plastic conduit that is well suited for water pumping and delivery applications. It's a very versatile material which allows it to be installed under water, under ground, and above ground installations. It's less expensive than alternative piping materials, takes less time to install, and is much easier to install. We recommend using PE pipe with most of our solar powered pumps. If you have any questions about which size and PSI rating you need, please give us a call or email us.


  • Length: 150 Feet
  • Diameter: 1/2 inch
  • Maximum PSI rating: 160
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